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The Silent Victims: How Climate Change Impacts Children in Pakistan

By Tahir Hasnain Shah

Climate change is not merely an environmental issue; it is a global crisis that affects every aspect of human life. In Pakistan, a country highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, it is often the most vulnerable members of society who bear the brunt of this crisis – children. This article explores the often-overlooked impact of climate change on child rights and the measures needed to protect the most innocent victims of a changing climate in Pakistan.

Children on the Frontline of Climate Change

Children are particularly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change due to their dependency on adults, limited mobility, and underdeveloped coping mechanisms. In Pakistan, a nation prone to extreme weather events like floods, droughts, and heatwaves, children are often the first to suffer.

  1. Food Insecurity:

Climate change-induced weather anomalies disrupt agricultural patterns, leading to crop failures and food shortages. Children, especially those living in rural areas, are at risk of malnutrition and stunted growth. A lack of nutritious food not only jeopardizes their physical health but also hampers their cognitive development and future potential.

  1. Water Scarcity:

In many regions of Pakistan, access to clean water is already a challenge. Climate change exacerbates this problem as shifting rainfall patterns and glacial melt disrupt water supplies. Children, particularly girls, often bear the responsibility of fetching water for their families. Longer journeys to collect water can lead to health problems and hinder their access to education.

  1. Health Risks:

Rising temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses and vector-borne diseases. Children’s developing immune systems make them more susceptible to these health risks. Additionally, climate-induced stress can affect their mental well-being, leading to anxiety and depression.

  1. Displacement and Vulnerability:

Climate-induced disasters, such as floods and landslides, often lead to forced displacement. Children living in temporary shelters or refugee camps face increased risks of physical and sexual abuse. They often lack access to proper healthcare, education, and protection.

  1. Education Interruption:

Extreme weather events disrupt school schedules, leading to missed classes and interrupted education. For children, especially girls, who are already at risk of being denied access to education, these interruptions can further perpetuate educational inequalities.

  1. Economic Hardship:

As climate change negatively impacts the livelihoods of families, children may be forced to work at a young age to help support their households. Child labor, often hazardous and exploitative, can rob children of their childhood and access to education.

Protection Measures and Policy Recommendations

To safeguard child rights and protect the youngest members of society from the adverse impacts of climate change in Pakistan, several measures and policy recommendations should be considered:

  1. Strengthening Climate Resilience: Pakistan should invest in climate-resilient infrastructure and practices that safeguard children’s well-being, such as improved water and sanitation facilities and disaster-preparedness initiatives.
  2. Education Initiatives: Implement policies that ensure that children can continue their education even in the face of extreme weather events. This may involve the development of resilient school infrastructure and alternative education opportunities.
  3. Healthcare Access: Ensure that children have access to quality healthcare services, with a focus on addressing climate-related health risks. Promote mental health support and counseling services to help children cope with the stressors of a changing climate.
  4. Nutrition Programs: Launch targeted nutrition programs to combat child malnutrition, particularly in rural areas affected by crop failures.
  5. Child Protection: Strengthen child protection systems to prevent and respond to violence and exploitation, especially in the aftermath of climate-induced disasters.
  6. Gender Equality: Address gender disparities in climate change adaptation and child protection measures. Recognize and promote the specific vulnerabilities faced by girls in climate-affected regions.

In conclusion, children in Pakistan are the silent victims of climate change. The impact of this global crisis on child rights and protection measures cannot be ignored. To secure a better future for the country’s youth, it is essential to incorporate child-focused policies and programs into climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Only by doing so can we protect the most vulnerable among us and ensure that children’s rights are upheld in a changing world.


(The writer is a seasoned researcher and development practitioner currently working as Senior Program Manager at Legal Rights Forum (LRF), a rights based advocacy NGO in Pakistan. He can be reached at